Four Ways Electric Vehicles Will Improve Your Life!
Still unsure if you really want to trade in your gas guzzler for a leaf? Well we have compiled 4 ways your life will be improved, should you make the switch!
1. Electric vehicles save you money
There’s a lot of myths and smear tactics surrounding electric vehicles but the simple fact is, electric vehicles are cheaper to fuel than those powered by petrol or diesel. But that’s what we would say, right?
Well did you know electric vehicles can significantly save you on maintenance costs? Battery EVs have no internal combustion engine, they do not need oil changes, spark plugs, or timing belts, and unlike ICE motors, electric motors require no routine maintenance
As battery technology continues to improve, the equivalent cost per mile for driving electric vehicles is significantly less expensive than driving gasoline-based vehicles.
As you will see by reading on, saving on fuel costs and maintenance repairs is a given when using an electric vehicle, especially when paired with an EV charge point at your home or work place.
Essentially, by driving an electric car you can get double the mileage for your pound!
2. Electric vehicles cut your emissions
With impressive goals such as the plan to reduce the carbon emissions by 80% by the year 2050 being set by the government, electric vehicles will play a vital role in achieving this impressive goal. We know that our days using oil as if it is an infinite resource are numbered and if we are to achieve these substantial goals, electric cars will play a significant role in disrupting the relationship between transport and fossil fuels. EVs typically produce fewer life cycle emissions than conventional vehicles because most emissions are lower for electricity generation than burning gasoline or diesel.
3. Electric vehicles offer you a better driving experience.
Electric cars generate instant torque, something which can come as a surprise to some people but this means that electric vehicles have the ability to zoom about with ease, coupled with extremely responsive acceleration and deceleration. The lack of gearbox and immediate power from the electric motor allow for almost instant throttle response. There is no need to rev the engine to pull away, full power is immediately available at any speed. Even electric cars with more modest performance feel more than fast enough for daily use and are always ready to go.
4. Electric vehicles are convenient.
Although at one time a scarce sight, the rate of electric charging points available to the public and at home is ever growing and will soon be the most efficient and cost-effective method of road travel.
For those with off road parking, the ability to charge at home is a luxury which cannot be experienced while using an internal combustion engine powered vehicle.
When compared to their fossil fuel driven counterparts, electric vehicles are significantly simpler in their design which means that maintenance is more often than not cheaper when compared to the maintenance cost of a traditional vehicle. For instance, electric cars have no oil in need of changing, no routine spark plug or timing belt replacements or any other all too often occurring and expensive fix ups.
Depending on where you are in the world EV’s also have further benefits such as strictly EV only parking spaces and road tax exemption.
Find out how else your life can be improved with Evolution, call today on 0141 471 7970 and let’s see what we can do for you!